The Benefits of Sweet Potato for Dogs: Why You Should Add This Superfood to Your Dog’s Diet

Sweet potatoes are not only delicious for your dog, but they are also beneficial to their health. Sweet potatoes are high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which will benefit your dog’s immune system, digestive system and much more. In this blog post, we will look at the benefits of sweet potato for dogs as well as how to discover a grain-free dog food that includes this superfood.

What exactly are sweet potatoes?

Sweet potatoes are a type of root vegetable. They are native to the Americas’ tropical regions and have been farmed for thousands of years. Sweet potatoes occur in a variety of colours, forms, and sizes, but the most popular are orange-fleshed with a sweet and starchy flavour.

Why are sweet potatoes good for dogs?

Sweet potatoes are good for dogs because they provide a number of health benefits, such as:


Beta-carotene is a potent antioxidant found in sweet potatoes. It can protect your dog from oxidative stress and inflammation. Beta-carotene can help also improve your dog’s vision and help him avoid eye problems like cataracts and macular degeneration. Sweet potatoes also contain antioxidants including vitamin C, vitamin E, and manganese. All of which help your dog’s immune system and fight infections.


Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin A. Which is necessary for your dog’s skin and their coat, eyes, and reproductive health. Vitamin A also aids the growth and development of your dog and prevent night blindness. Furthermore, sweet potatoes contain vitamins such as vitamin B6. Which is essential for your dog’s nervous system and red blood cell production; vitamin B5, which is involved in your dog’s energy metabolism and hormone synthesis; and vitamin K, which is required for blood clotting and bone health.


Minerals including potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and zinc are abundant in sweet potatoes and help support your dog’s numerous bodily activities. For instance, potassium can support your dog’s muscle contraction and nerve transmission, magnesium can support their bone development and enzyme activity, calcium can support their teeth and bone strength, iron can support their oxygen transportation and haemoglobin synthesis, phosphorus can support their energy production and DNA synthesis, and zinc can support their wound healing and immune response.


Sweet potatoes are rich in fibre, which can improve your dog’s bowel motions and digestive health. Fibre can also prolong the feeling of fullness in your dog, helping to prevent overeating and obesity. Additionally, by delaying the absorption of glucose and fats in the colon, fibre can lower your dog’s blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

How can you pick a grain-free, sweet potato-based dog food?

Many pet owners avoid feeding their dogs corn and wheat-based dog food. They opt to give their pets grain-free dog food instead. Diets without grains are advertised as being devoid of maize and wheat. Alternative carbohydrate sources, like sweet potato, white potato, peas, lentils, and others, are frequently used by them.

But not every grain-free dog food is the same. Certain nutrients that your dog needs but may not get enough of in some grain-free dog foods. Some grain-free dog foods can also contain fillers or inferior ingredients that could hurt your dog or cause him to put on weight.

Consequently, you should take into account the following aspects when selecting a grain-free dog food that contains sweet potato for your dog:


Select a grain-free dog food that contains premium components from reliable suppliers. Grain-free dog diets without artificial colours, flavours, preservatives, or byproducts should be avoided. Additionally, steer clear of grain-free dog diets that use generic terminology like “animal fat” or “vegetable oil” or unspecified meat or vegetable origins.


A grain-free dog food with a balanced protein, lipid, and carbohydrate composition is what you should seek out. Depending on your dog’s age, size, level of exercise, and health, the appropriate ratio may change. A good rule of thumb is to seek out a grain-free dog food that contains at least 25% protein (from animal sources), 10-15% fat (from specified oils), and 40–50% carbohydrates (from sweet potatoes or other complex carbs). Avoid grain-free dog diets that are either excessively high or low in any nutrient or that contain a lot of fillers like peas or lentils.


To meet your dog’s preferences and nutritional requirements, look for a grain-free dog food that comes in a range of flavours and formulae. The same food being consumed daily by some dogs may cause allergies or boredom. Therefore, switching up the flavours or recipes of grain-free dog food with sweet potato every few weeks or months is a smart idea. For additional variety and nutrition, you may also combine various grain-free dog diets or include some fresh fruits or vegetables in your dog’s diet.

As a superfood, sweet potatoes have several advantages. It has a wealth of fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can keep your dog healthy and content. However, bear in mind to pick a premium, well-balanced, and diverse grain-free dog food that also contains sweet potatoes such as WIlverley Pet Food. Also don’t forget to talk to your vet before changing your dog’s diet.